Saturday 30 June 2012

Hi again i just forgot to ask you guys to show your friends and family this site please because i dont have that many people visiting this site so please can you show friends and family.



Hi again i just wanted to say that i have not started my website yet but i will soon.


Friday 29 June 2012



Hi all my fans I just wanted to let you know that i am making a website that shows what I think about any thing like for example The Avengers i might write is areally good group of heros and it is a funny film, and once i have finished the website i will put the link up.


Monday 19 March 2012

more things I like

Austin Stevens the snakemastar              

   The Mentalist        

Sandra Bullock     

  Keira Knightley   

Johnny Depp 

Robert Carlyle in Once upon a Time          

 Steve Irwin     


Jessica Rabbit  

Emma Watson in Hogwarts   

The Avenger Actors

Edward Scissorhands

Loki and Thor

The Madhatter 

The Avengers and Loki

Robert Downey JR as Iron Man

Friday 13 January 2012